In November 2024, Ethiopian clients visited our REOO Technology to tour the latest string soldering machine. This innovative machine features advanced technologies such as dual ribbon feed and CCD vision positioning, offering improved precision in the soldering process. It is capable of using 0.38mm wide soldering ribbons, which enhance the electrical output efficiency of solar cell strings.
Additionally, the new string welding machine is equipped with an EL final inspection function, ensuring each string is thoroughly tested for quality and performance.
The client expressed great interest in the machine’s advanced features and efficiency. Our REOO Technology will continue to be dedicated to providing leading solar manufacturing solutions to customers worldwide.
Contact: REOO Tech
Phone: +8613773694841
Tel: +8651384105505
Add: Chennan industrial park, Rudong, Jiangsu, China 226400
WhatsApp: + 86 1390 1472 859
Skype: reoochina
Facebook: REOO tech
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