1. References and Testimonials:
• Can you provide references or testimonials from other clients who have used your bifacial PV production line?
--- Yes, We installed many bifcacial PV production line in all of world, You can refer to it from our website : www.reoo.net
Actually, the machines of Bifacial PV machines almost same with other type of cell , only the solar cell is Bifacial type, Now, most of solar cell is Bifacial type.
• Are there any case studies or success stories that highlight the performance of your equipment?
----- Yes, You can check it from our website, there many of our successful custtomers, Especial you can refer to our customer in Czech Republic , It is installed in last year, It is Bifacial PV line .
2. Future Developments:
• Are there any planned upgrades or new features for the production line?
----- All of our PV line can produce the solar panel with Bifical PERC cell, TOPCan cell and HJT cell , The machines is almost same, Only the solar cell i different .
• How do you stay updated with advancements in bifacial PV technology?
------ If the solar cell be UPDATED, All of machines will be same expect the solar cell string machine have to be Updated. We have this technology .You do not worry.
Contact: REOO Tech
Phone: +8613773694841
Tel: +8651384105505
E-mail: mike@reoo.net
Add: Chennan industrial park, Rudong, Jiangsu, China 226400
WhatsApp: + 86 1390 1472 859
Skype: reoochina
Facebook: REOO tech
Twitte: REOO solar PV